Engineering Includes Me: Shrouk El-Attar

left: Shrouk El Attar, right: graphic of circuit board

Engineering Includes Me: Shrouk El-Attar

Shrouk El-Attar is an electronics design engineer who disrupts the typical cut-out shape of what an engineer is a supposed to be — not just a problem solver, but a creative, a refugee activist, and queer belly dancer.

Shrouk El-Attar was nominated by Grazia Obuzor an Undergraduate student in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Study Abroad in a Modern Language.


The Engineering Includes Me Wall

Staff and students were invited to
nominate inspirational people in STEM
from marginalised or underrepresented
backgrounds. We commissioned eight
artworks for our shared spaces to
showcase and celebrate role models
from the faculty and beyond.

Shrouk El-Attar is an activist for refugee rights in the UK, and LGBTQ+ rights in her native Egypt. Her master’s research in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) created new methods of using microwaves to identify organic material (based on electron quantum spin) including some cancers. Now at Renishaw, she designs electronic circuits for encoders and industrial robotic Coordinate Measuring Machines.

In 2021, El-Attar won the Institution of Engineering and Technology Women’s Engineering Society (WES) Prize. The WES award is presented to “an engineer who is committed to inspiring the next generation of diverse and passionate STEM pioneers”.